

New Study Finds Barbecued Meat and Chicken Increase Risk of Kidney Cancer

Hello Guys.It's an Amazing Study found by Researchers that Barbecued Stuff is a Ticket to Kidney Cancer.It's True, Stop enjoying with your Family, Friends or Colleagues going to Farm Houses or any parks or something else making Barbecue and Enjoying it.

A diet high in barbecued meat may increase the risk of developing kidney cancer, scientists have found.
The new study comes just a week after the World Health Organisation warned that red and processed meats are carcinogenic and people should limit their intake.
Around 10,000 people are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year in Britain, and more than 4,000 will die. The most common kind is renal cell carcinoma.

When meat is cooked by flame grilling or frying it produces the carcinogens, PhIP and MeIQx.
The kidney filters many harmful toxins from the body so scientists speculate it could be at increased risk of developing cancer as it attempts to rid the body of the carcinogens.

Researchers from the University of Texas looked that the eating habits of 659 people suffering from renal cell carcinoma and compared them to 699 healthy subjects.
"We found elevated cancer risk associated with both meat intake and meat-cooking carcinogens, suggesting independent effect of meat-cooking carcinogens on RCC risk," said Dr Xifeng Wu, professor of epidemiology and senior author of the study
"Our findings support reducing consumption of meat, especially meat cooked at high temperatures or over an open flame as a public health intervention to reduce RCC risk and burden.”

The results show that kidney cancer patients consumed more red and white meat compared to healthy individuals. They found that high levels of PhIP increased the risk of kidney cancer by 54 per cent while large amounts of MeIQx doubled the risk.

Researchers also discovered that individuals with specific genetic mutations are more susceptible to the harmful compounds created when cooking at high temperatures, such as pan frying or barbecuing.
Individuals with variations in the gene, ITPR2, were more vulnerable to the effects of consuming PhIP.

“By analysing genes known to be associated with RCC risk, we found that high intake of these carcinogens may be particularly meaningful for a certain subgroup of the population," said Dr Stephanie Melkonian, lead author of the study.

The researchers do not suggest that individuals should remove meats completely from their diets, but rather consume it in moderation, as part of a well-balanced diet, complete with fruits and vegetables. When grilling or pan-frying meat, try to avoid charring it as much as possible, they suggest.
The research was published in the journal Cancer.

How to Control Your Anger Best Tricks

Anger is very powerful Emotion. If Anger is controlled then you can lead a happy and peaceful Life but if it's not controlled then seriously believe me you are destroying your own Life and others too.

Do you fume when someone cuts you off in traffic? Does your blood pressure rocket when your child refuses to cooperate? Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion — but it's important to deal with it in a positive way. Uncontrolled anger can take a toll on both your health and your relationships.

1.Stay out from negative people and be with Positive Attitude and Humble People

Stay away seriously it influences you indirectly and makes you Arrogant and Negative minded. Be with Good people who are not Jealous by nature and are Humble. Try this and Come back and Thank Me.

2.Drink Water Immediately if Anger Arises

There is scientific answer for this, Water is composed of H20 which consists Oxygen and Hydrogen and Anger releases some chemical Reactions in Body which water makes them Calm and Cool Immediately

3.Get some ExercisePhysical activity can help reduce stress that can cause you to become angry. If you feel your anger escalating, go for a brisk walk or run, or spend some time doing other enjoyable physical activities.

4. Love Your LifeLoving your Life Passionately leads to self loving feeling which automatically creates goodness in you. You tend be good mostly to all because you know the meaning of life. Life is given to Love and Spread love not to be Hated or being Jealous.

5. Identify possible situationsInstead of focusing on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Does your child's messy room drive you crazy? Close the door. Is your partner late for dinner every night? Schedule meals later in the evening — or agree to eat on your own a few times a week. Remind yourself that anger won't fix anything and might only make it worse.

How to Find Passion For something in Life which is Very Important

  • There’s a myth which has become common among us,That passion can only be spontaneous. You either love your job or you don’t. You either enjoy exercising or hate it. You are interested in reading books or you find them boring. That passion can’t be forced or created.
  • I want you to clear that Passion is different and Talent is different but both are Directly Proportional in order to Succeed in Life,Talent is God's Gift but Passion isn't,We think that Passion should be given by God naturally and we end up ourselves doing things which we are not Passionate
  • Passion is something which is really needed in our lives either to Achieve something or satisfying ourselves.

    I will show how to Find Passion and Maintain it Diligently

1.Secret of getting ahead is getting started.

That's True Unless you start something you wont get a correct picture of your passion.You will be stuck somewhere in the middle configuring your passion.Like actually what i am passionate about ? How many got this ? Well i to faced the same situation but eventually i found my passion.

2. Stick to your Passion,Don't get Distracted

Finding passion is easy as compared to sticking to it.Many things come up in life ahead which eventually distracts you in some or the other way.As you grow older, Become married and so on the Responsibilities Arise Naturally which distracts you to Follow it.
My advice is that you should learn Life management which teaches you to Deal with family relationships,Professional Side and Personal life.It teaches you to deal with Stress,Tensions etc etc.

3.Passion of others is not your Passion

Seriously it's true.Many people especially teenagers fall in this trap.If a friend is Passionate in Photography or something else and is excelling in his Passion,You get thrilled and try to do that.You actually like it First but eventually you loose your interest.
The main reason behind this is following others passion,Never do that.

4.Get curious about your Passion

Curiosity is the basis of passion. Shake off your current understandings and begin from the view that you are almost completely ignorant on the subject. Then look for novelty to boost your interest.

5. Make it a Game

Give yourself rules, objectives and strategic constraints. The more creative thinking required, the better.

6. Focus which is very important

Cut distractions and eliminate noise. The more you focus on an activity the better you can notice interesting qualities about it. The only truly boring activity is the one you can’t pay attention to.

7.Set a Goal and Expect Results

Create a specific goal along with a deadline. This can infuse mundane activities with a sense of direction and purpose. Writing a report goes from being just another task, to a creative challenge that pushes you.Implement Time Management Techniques and Hold a Good Grip.

8.Overcome the Failure and Frustration Barriers

The life of failures is common many Great legends have Failed Consistently until they got Succeed.Don't get frustrated about your repeated failures,Instead learn from failures.If an activity is too difficult for you to become enthusiastic about it, slow down. Worry less about results and more about experimenting until you build up skill. Whenever I try a new hobby, I strive to just try things out before building skills. This keeps me from getting frustrated and ensures the process is fun.

9.Connect with Talents

How can you apply your existing talents to an activity? Find ways to use skills you already have in a new endeavor. An artistic person could draw pictures to help himself study. An athletic person might be able to use her strength and endurance as a speaker.

10.Humble Confidence

Confidence is necessary for passion, but arrogance can destroy it. Build a humble confidence where you believe in your abilities to handle the unknown, but you also have a great respect for it.

Intresting and Wow Benefits of Sex

"Having sex regularly can do more than make you feel closer to your partner—it can actually make you physically healthier," says Hilda Hutcherson, M.D., a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University and author of Pleasure.

Improves Immune System 

“Sexually active people take fewer sick days,” says Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD a sexual health expert.

People who have sex have higher levels of what defends your body against germs, viruses, and other intruders. Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of the a certain antibody compared to students who had sex less often.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Research suggests a link between sex and lower blood pressure, says Joseph J. Pinzone, MD. He is CEO and medical director of Amai Wellness.

“There have been many studies,” he says. “One landmark study found that sexual intercourse specifically (not masturbation) lowered systolic blood pressure.” That's the first number on your blood pressure test.

Relieves Stress 

If you're freaking out about tomorrow's job interview, slip between the sheets. Research from the University of the West of Scotland reveals that people who had intercourse at least once over two weeks were better able to manage stressful situations such as public speaking, says study author and psychology professor Stuart Brody, Ph.D. That's because endorphins and oxytocin are released during sex, and these feel-good hormones activate pleasure centers in the brain that create feelings of intimacy and relaxation and help stave off anxiety and depression, says WH advisor Laura Berman, Ph.D., an assistant clinical professor of ob-gyn and psychiatry at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University and author of It's Not Him, It's You! You don't have to climax to net the effects, but you'll get the biggest surge of soothing hormones if you have an orgasm. Just one more reason to shoot for a stellar finish.

Improves Women's Bladder Control

A strong pelvic floor is important for avoiding incontinence, something that will affect about 30% of women at some point in their lives.

Good sex is like a workout for your pelvic floor muscles. When you have an orgasm, it causes contractions in those muscles, which strengthens them.

Boosts Libido

Longing for a more lively sex life? “Having sex will make sex better and will improve your libido,” says Lauren Streicher, MD. She is an assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

For women, having sex ups vaginal lubrication, blood flow, and elasticity, she says, all of which make sex feel better and help you crave more of it.

Youthful and Brighter Glow

Get busy to get gorgeous: In a study conducted at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland, a panel of judges viewed participants through a one-way mirror and guessed their ages. Those who were enjoying lots of nooky with a steady partner—four times a week, on average—were perceived to be seven to 12 years younger than their actual age. Regular sex promotes the release of hormones, including testosterone and estrogen, which can keep the body looking young and vital; estrogen has also been shown to promote soft skin and shiny hair, says Meston. Move over, moisturizer—time to turn back the clock with some shagging.

Good News Masturbation has Excellent Benifits

"Firstly Let me Clear you that Addicting to Masturbation is very dangerous,Do you hear me,It's highly addictive and has many defects on your Health so please Do not make it an Addiction"

Science has shown that masturbating can provide plenty of healthy benefits.

A recent study from adult product peddler reveals that 27 percent of Americans admit to masturbating once or twice a week.

That number seems suspiciously low to us, especially since science has shown that being master of your domain can provide additional feel-great benefits. (Also because the people surveyed were browsing an adult toy website.)

“Masturbation is part of a healthy sex life,” says Gloria Brame, Ph.D., a clinical sexologist. “It’s totally safe and harmless. It’s healthier than brushing your teeth every day.”

It prevents cancer.

 An Australian study found that men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer.

Disease-causing toxins build up in your urogenital tract and when you rub one out, you flush the bad guys out of your system, says Brame.

It makes you harder. 

As you age, you naturally lose muscle tone... even down there.

Regular sex or masturbation works out your pelvic floor muscles to prevent erectile dysfunction and incontinence

Manages Stress And Depression

Masturbation has been used in the management of stress, as it results in release of feel-good hormones, called oxytocin, in the body. It has also been found useful in dealing with depression.

Boosts Your Mood

Masturbating releases a slew of feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine and oxytocin that lift your spirits, boost your satisfaction, and activate the reward circuits in your brain. An orgasm is the biggest non-drug blast of dopamine available, and benefits your health in more than one way.

Helps You Last Longer on Bed with your Partner

Taking yourself to palm prom may help you stretch your sack sessions. Train yourself by timing how long it takes you to orgasm, suggests Dr Nawal. If it usually takes two minutes solo, try for three next time. Or count how many strokes you need to get to your happy place. If you’re spurting after 50, shoot for 60. Practice makes perfect, right?

Improves Sperm Motility

Some studies found that masturbation improves some quality and motility. “Theoretically, a man masturbating before intercourse releases the residual sperms in the semen transporting tubules. This paves way for new ‘better’ sperms which are released during the sexual act and increase the chances of conception, which can add to your health benefits,” says Dr Mahesh Nawal, an Indore-based sexologist and President of ASECT.

It ups your immunity. 

Ejaculation increases levels of the hormone cortisol, says Jennifer Landa, M.D., a specialist in hormone therapy. Cortisol, which usually gets a bad rap as a havoc-wrecking stress hormone, actually helps regulate and maintain your immunity in the small doses.

“Masturbation can product the right environment for a strengthened immune system,”

Prevents Pregnancy And STDs

Last but not the least, this one is for both you and your girl! For couples not intending to get the girl pregnant, masturbation is a safe way of attaining sexual satisfaction without vaginal penetration which would otherwise lead to an unintended pregnancy. If the man’s penis is rubbed around the vulva and spills sperms there, there could be a chance of getting pregnant. Masturbation poses no risk of contracting an STD. However, mutual masturbation may however result in exchange of sexual fluids when partners touch each other’s genitals, says Dr Nawal.

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