Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you'll know that earlier this week the World Health Organization declared processed meat as definitively carcinogenic to humans and red meat as "probably" carcinogenic. As a nutritionist and an avid follower of dietary trends and analysis, I found this one interesting. Vegetarians and vegans rejoiced and the media cranked out a combination of sensationalist and alarmist headlines
Firstly, the news that processed meat is carcinogenic (cancer-causing) is not new but has been brewing for decades. That shouldn't necessarily be surprising - especially if you've seen documentaries like "Food, Inc." (essential viewing.) So you mean Spam and hot dogs aren't good for us? No way! Come on everyone, whether you want to believe it or not, it's hard to see how processed meat can be either health-promoting or nourishing in any shape or form.
Remember this includes ham, bacon (cue weeping), sausages and any meat item (turkey/chicken included) that has been salted/cured/fermented/smoked or otherwise "preserved". If you are going to have it, try choosing an ethical brand such as Applegate or Niman Ranch. But do note that according to the IARC, the Applegate/Niman Ranch deli meats and sausages would still fall into this category as they are either salted, smoked or contain nitrites (albeit naturally occurring nitrites from celery.) If you or your children rely on deli meat for lunch boxes, it's time to start branching out. Try hummus and cucumber, nut butter and fruit-only jam, home roasted organic chicken, avocado and tomato.... there are lots of options! We're in this one together friends, it's going to mean a change in my house too.
Firstly, the news that processed meat is carcinogenic (cancer-causing) is not new but has been brewing for decades. That shouldn't necessarily be surprising - especially if you've seen documentaries like "Food, Inc." (essential viewing.) So you mean Spam and hot dogs aren't good for us? No way! Come on everyone, whether you want to believe it or not, it's hard to see how processed meat can be either health-promoting or nourishing in any shape or form.
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